ESICS – Enhanced Site Innovation Calculation System

ESICS – Enhanced Site Innovation Calculation System

ESICS – Enhanced Site Innovation Calculation System

We’re delighted to launch the first of the game-changing ESICS suite of calculation tools for MAFI products – The Bracket Checker.

What does it do?

All MAFI brackets have defined load capacities, arrived at by both calculation and physical testing:

1.The weight they can carry on the offset pole

2.Rotational slip resistance at the offset pole(s)

3.Rotational slip resistance at the parent pole

4.Horizontal bending

MAFI Bracket Checker helps you calculate the loads applied to the bracket and then checks that they don’t exceed the capacities. If they do, it helps you choose a solution that works.

Wind loads

For the initial launch of the Bracket Checker, wind pressures are calculated automatically for addresses in the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, in accordance with each country’s wind code. Significant orography is taken into account and is calculated in 12 directions.

Other countries will follow over the next few months. In the meantime, for other countries, you have to calculate the wind pressure separately and enter the value.


ESICS contains a database of physical antenna properties, but you can also enter values manually. If you find antennas that you regularly use are missing from the database, send us the datasheets and we’ll add them.

You enter dimensions and weights for radios and dishes manually.


Esics is designed to be easy and intuitive to use, but do have a look at the instruction videos.